Megan Hsu

Megan Hsu, also known as @Megatronsbaby on Instagram, is a multimedia artist working in ceramics, paint, textiles, and more. Her artwork, much like her personality, is playful but can sometimes leave viewers shifting in their seats. Her style is undeniably recognizable in every medium, reflecting her journey of self-discovery over the years.

In discussing her practice, Megan's curiosity and wonder were completely contagious. As we flipped through her sketchbook, I asked if she had a favorite page. She opened the book to reveal a bright yellow spread with three red, almost blurry figures (pictured below.)

MH: I like it because it looks like a mix of techniques and it almost looks like a little kid could have drawn it. 

RR: It kind of looks like how a dream feels. 

MH: Yeah, like dreamstate. And also, it's different from the others. With this one I genuinely didn't think much whereas the other ones were really tight. 

RR: How long does it take you to complete an entire sketchbook? 

MH: I just started it in March 2024. But I was on one; It usually doesn't take that quick. 

RR: I love how much you utilize texture. 

MH: Thank you, I try, especially with stuff like this, to have really good craftsmanship because even if the art’s bad but the craftsmanship is good then it just brings it up a level. 

RR: Personally, when I’m looking at your work it feels very nostalgic. Do you search through your own memory or watch TV shows from the past? Like some of your stuff reminds me of MTV. 

MH: I’d say I look to moments in my childhood and it's definitely meant to be nostalgic. Stylewise, I’m not sure - I never really watched MTV but I did watch Cartoon Network. I was a huge fan of Chowder, Ed Ed and Eddy, and Misadventures of Flapjack. I think maybe subconsciously I do, but I definitely try to keep it light because I want it to be childhood-y but slightly inappropriate at the same time. Cartoon Network was kind of like that, a little raunchy but still for kids. 

RR: Do you think that's how you are as a person too? 

MH: Yeah, like even in the way I dress. I feel like I’ve become my own person now like I’ve figured out who I am and that's been a common theme in every era of mine so thats definitely something I lean towards. 

RR: What media are you enjoying most right now? 

MH: Honestly right now I'm doing a lot of airbrushing and painting. My notebooks are kind of like composition practice but I'm ready to do the next thing which would be a bigger area like a canvas. But I'm really enjoying airbrushing, that's my era right now. 

RR: What do you like so much about airbrushing?

MH: I think I like that it's a new medium. I know I jump around from a lot of mediums alot and it's because the process of mastering it is so fun to me. I like making stuff through curiosity instead of being comfortable and safe. I'm not the best airbrusher but for me it's really fun learning new techniques. 

RR: How do you learn if you're not in school right now? 

MH: Just practice. I literally just do it on my own. I’ll go on Reddit if I have problems or watch videos—people have tips on YouTube. Honestly, YouTube University! I’ve learned so much from YouTube; it’s crazy.

RR: I loved your last piece (pictured below.) 

MH: That was the first time I received pretty negative responses. At first I was kind of offended because I’ve never had that happen but then [I thought] maybe it made them feel so strongly that they hated it and that's good too. So I was like okay I'm not gonna take it personally, it's not like they are hating me, just my art which is fine. 

RR: What do you want people to walk away with after looking at your art? 

MH: I want them to make up a story in their head. Whatever it may be, it doesn't need to be what I thought it was but I want them to think of something. But something funny, not too serious like a little playful. 

RR: Just like you! Have you always been an artist since you were a kid? 

MH: Yeah, I remember it so clearly in second grade my teacher - this is why I value teachers so much, because they can mold and shape you - if she didn't do this, maybe I wouldn't have been an artist. 

We all had to draw something from class and I drew her and me with all these details, like it had her glasses, and she really loved it. She was like, ‘Can I keep it and hang it on the wall?’ and that was the moment I was like yeah, I want to do art. 

Ever since then, all of my other teachers as well all saw that and didn’t try to suppress this thing and helped me build it up. I went to a good school which makes sense but education is really important. 

RR: Okay, I gotta ask. What is the obsession with the rats? 

MH: In real life if I saw a rat I’d probably get a little scared. But the obsession is, when I was in my ceramics era, I was obsessed with the Rat King. It's that phenomenon when a bunch of rats are trapped together somewhere and they are clawing and killing each other to escape, their tails get tied up together like a knot. Then the last rat surviving is the Rat King and I thought it was so cool. 

That's what started the obsession and then I just kept doing different rat stuff. I just like drawing different rats, I think it's funny. 

RR: They’re really cute. Why do you do Radvice when you’re sad? 

MH: Honestly, it's advice for me to remind myself in a fun way. That's what the Radvice columns are for. 

RR: Is there anything you want to explore next? 

MH: It's in the works right now, I was literally thinking about it in the car. I want to get into metal and I know I’m just gonna go into a fucking rabbit hole with it. 

My uncle, who passed away two years ago, was a jeweler. It sucks because he had to move to Taiwan for whatever reasons, but he was really talented. When I was in Taiwan I got to see some of his old books. So now, I really want to make myself a grill. I think it’s just so cool because casting metal and all that is a completely different world.


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